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basal body temperature

  1. body temperature in the morning before rising or moving about or eating anything

How To Use basal body temperature In A Sentence

  • Regular intercourse two to three times a week should be advised, but basal body temperature charts are not helpful and should be avoided.
  • The woman was already keeping a basal body temperature chart to determine her ovulatory cycle.
  • A rise in basal body temperature may signal either a passing virus or a viable fetus.
  • Prediction of ovulation was carried out by basal body temperature (BBT) charts and B-ultrasonography in 72 normally menstruation women for a total of 100 cycles each.
  • Reite and colleagues monitored heart rate, respiration and basal body temperature using biotelemetry implants in infant primates who were separated from their mothers.
  • This method of ovulation prediction is called the basal body temperature guide or BBT Using the BBT involves taking your temperature every day for at least two months. Getting Pregnant
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