How To Use barkeep In A Sentence
- He boldly tugs the barkeep's jacket to get served, but immediately gets bullied by one of the patrons for no reason other than that he's a new face and an easy mark.
- Johnny Heinold, "boss barkeeper, cash-register and swamper" of the First-and-Last Chance Saloon recalls the exploits of a noted California author. Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon
- ‘Bourbon for my lickspittle,’ he ranted at the barkeep.
- Hey not that way!" the barkeeper shouted, and then went after him and started him through the darkness toward Canyon City. Trust
- Aaron called the barkeeper over and asked for a beer. The Dreaming Void
- Enchanters liked to wander around the land rewarding people for good deeds and occasionally getting drunk and rewarding barkeeps for good beer.
- The barkeeper cold - cocked the drunk from behind and the bouncer carried him out.
- She made her way through the couples still standing on the dance floor and then ordered a drink from the barkeeper who happened to be a good friend of hers.
- The general good cheer of the bar was, for a brief time, nearly turned to disaster by a dispute between Laurie's husband and the local barkeep.
- Kane sat there thinking and watching everyone as the barkeeper went and served more people.