How To Use bark beetle In A Sentence
- When attacked by bark beetles, pine trees with a reduced capability to produce resin would be more vulnerable than pine trees with unimpaired resin production.
- Even so, an ongoing drought and millions of acres of dead, bark beetle infected trees have turned much of the west into a potential tinderbox.
- A bark beetle is infesting trees on national forest land in the West. Is That Legal?: Beat the Beetles.
- the spruce bark beetle is the major tree-killing insect pest of Alaska spruce forests
- Spruce bark beetles were after the spruce trees and fir engraver beetles were killing subalpine fir trees. Bird Cloud
- Then come ambrosia beetles and western oak bark beetles by the thousands, flocking to feed, tunnel out galleries, and lay their eggs.
- The two devastating diseases now facing one of the nation's oldest elm stands are Dutch elm disease, a fungal disease spread by the elm bark beetle and a more recent syndrome known as elm yellows. Penn State Live
- Host trees that are under stress, including either climate stress or stress from mechanical breakage, have reduced growth reserves, less pitch, and lower turgor pressure, and so are less able to resist spruce bark beetle attacks. Climate change and insects as a forest disturbance in the Arctic