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[ UK /bˈɑːdɪk/ ]
  1. being a bard or relating to a bard's poetry
    bardic poetry

How To Use bardic In A Sentence

  • The priests trained in the bardic arts beat their drums, strummed on their lutes, and played on their fifes to a wild beat and a buoyant tune.
  • The bardic elements ring clear in the early work of both poets and became an essential part of whatever either moved on into.
  • The attempt to place Thomas in the Welsh bardic tradition because of his alliterative style largely fails since the poet himself disputed it.
  • An Arthurian element surfaces in later genres of literature such as stories or apologues in bardic verse, ballads and oral tales, and even genealogies.
  • Their genre is steam­punk, and their musical form is extraordin­ary: They tell stor­ies, reviv­ing the word 'bardic' that one could have thought was lost forever. Anime Nano!
  • Maybe the internet is a way to revisit the bardic tradition. He's everything inside of you that you wish you could be.
  • Maybe that rumour could be added to the list of Viking myths and sagas that will feature next Friday in Bardic Adventurers!
  • Unlike the promise of dolorous sentence scrawling offered by so many of the other far more pretentious and far more dead authors in whose image I have constructed my bardic fantasies, Carrie represents a modern view of a successful writer who seems to love what she does for a living. What Sex and the City Taught Me About Writing
  • As drama these productions are utter failures, though their lyric passages are often beautiful; their chief effect was to stimulate the "bardic" movement represented by von Gerstenberg, Kretschmann, and the Viennese Jesuit The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Jack Kennedy summoning Robert Frost to deliver an inauguration poem and confer a bardic benediction on the new administration.
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