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bang up

  1. damage or destroy as if by violence
    The teenager banged up the car of his mother
  2. make pregnant
    He impregnated his wife again

How To Use bang up In A Sentence

  • These are perhaps most obvious as we leave the prison, and walk past the site of what will become a bang up-to-date mother and baby facility, due to open next year.
  • RTD and the other writers have done a fantastic job bringing Dr Who smack bang up to date.
  • It is probably the county's best-known town house, and when new-built about 1500 for wealthy clothiers it was bang up to date.
  • The aesthetic of the series is bang up-to-date, ultramodern stuff.
  • This technology is bang up to date .
  • She's bang up to now without kowtowing to fashion, and catches the zeitgeist in a completely individual way.
  • Presented by Ian Wright, Spy TV brings the hidden-camera format bang up-to-date.
  • Even Morgan partook of the change, and I well recall how he came to me just before he landed, in a kind of grenadier uniform, with sword and musket and belts, drawing himself up very stiff and proud-looking as he let down the butt-end of his firelock with a loud bang upon the deck. Mass' George A Boy's Adventures in the Old Savannah
  • I have to make sure that my material is bang up-to-date, which means scouring the web to check for new developments.
  • Romeo and Juliet's gear conveyed a bang up-to-the-minute approach to love-making while, in truth, it was a bit starchy.
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