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[ US /ˌbændəˈɫɪɹ/ ]
[ UK /bˈændəliɐ/ ]
  1. a broad cartridge belt worn over the shoulder by soldiers

How To Use bandolier In A Sentence

  • His face was painted black, and lines and bandoliers of ammunition were draped across his shoulders and neck.
  • Erek smiled back as he strapped a bandolier of grenades over his shoulder.
  • Dragging himself upright, Sarr straightened his belt and his bandolier, checking the holstered weapons rhythmically.
  • Thereafter I was issued with a new puggaree, half-boots and pyjamy breeches, a new and very smart silver-grey uniform coat, a regulation sabre, a belt and bandolier, and a tangle of saddlery which was old and stiff enough to have been used at Waterloo (and probably had), and informed by a betel-chewing havildar that if I didn't have it reduced to gleaming suppleness by next morning, I had best look out. Fiancée
  • It was also decided that all Marines would carry their sleeping bags, an extra bandolier of small arms ammunition, and extra stretchers - initially to carry ammunition and then casualties.
  • He leaned over the rail, allowing his magnificent pectorals to strain against the bandolier he wore. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • I donned my jacket which did not fit well at all over my web gear and bandolier of ammo. TEOTWAWKI: The Long Walk Home, Ch.12 “Food Fight” « Mark12ministries’s Weblog
  • He firmed his hand on the sword and took a grenade from his bandolier, pulling the pin with his teeth and spitting it out. Crimson Wind
  • My rifle was on fire, my tunic was on fire and the bandolier of ammunition I had slung round me was on fire.
  • Two too-large gun belts were slung over her slender hips, grenade-laden bandolier thrown over one shoulder, a machine gun resting in her arms, and a sinister smile on her face.
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