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[ US /ˈbɔɫkənz/ ]
  1. the major mountain range of Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula
  2. the Balkan countries collectively
  3. a large peninsula in southeastern Europe containing the Balkan Mountain Range

How To Use Balkans In A Sentence

  • These Mesolithic cultures (Mesolithic, meaning “Middle Stone Age, ” describes post–Ice Age European hunter-gatherers) achieved some degree of social complexity in Scandinavia, where richly decorated individuals were buried in cemeteries by 5500 B.C.E. These same cultures were the indigenous societies of Europe, farmers who first spread north and west across central Europe from the Balkans after 4500 B.C.E. 1 3. Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherers in Europe
  • ROBERTS: Just as is -- a point of reference, a slivovitz is a very powerful alcoholic drink that's popular in the Balkans. CNN Transcript Feb 16, 2007
  • From here supplies were airlifted to soldiers deployed in the wars in the Balkans and in Afghanistan.
  • They started things like the First World War, where they thought ‘oh, we're just taking care of some minor little problem here in the Balkans ’, and whammo, things have spun violently out of control.
  • The Red Army triumphed after 12 days of fighting in one of the pivotal battles in the allied liberation of the Balkans.
  • On the credit side Russia has been brought back into the fold of the international community and in the Balkans the process of resettlement and regeneration goes on apace.
  • Medieval Turnovo's antique houses and narrow cobbled streets are perched on a large rockface that places it among one of the most beautiful cities not only in the Balkans but in all of Europe.
  • the Balkans are the tinderbox of Europe
  • On his right was Miroslav Lajcak, the European Union's senior point man on the Balkans, and to his right was Stefan Fule, the EU's enlargement commissioner.
  • The administration has made no secret of its desire to disengage from the Balkans, although it has promised not to make any dramatic troop reductions without consulting with its allies.
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