How To Use Bakunin In A Sentence
- In Dostoyevsky's day, urban radicals influenced by Marx and emboldened by Bakunin went out into the countryside proclaiming the doctrines of socialism and syndicalist anarchism, to little effect.
- Even more important than this elusory internal mortification was the external or environmental mortification which, among the Russian socialists, subsequently came to constitute the substratum of their activities, and which Bakunin described as "complete immersion in the life of the people. Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
- Bakunin's "vanguardism" along with that of the Magon Brothers, has been seen by many, if not most, anarchists as an abberation - an "unanarchist" aspect of these otherwise great anarchists. Anarchist news dot org - News for anarchists and their friends
- It was an exciting project, because Bakunin was an activist and thinker whose ideas are worth looking at today.
- One important dispute revolved around Marx and the leading anarchist Bakunin.