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baggage car

  1. a railway car where passengers' bags are carried

How To Use baggage car In A Sentence

  • I will call a baggage carrier to help me.
  • Seven minutes later, I heard another bridge tender tell the engineer that our rear lights looked fine, but that we had a door open in the baggage car.
  • I will call a baggage carrier to help me.
  • Have you ever wondered why the baggage carousels at Gatwick Airport rotate anti-clockwise?
  • I will call a baggage carrier to help me.
  • From this spring, passengers can check in online, and a bigger on-board baggage allowance will cut down the sometimes soul-destroying experience of watching suitcases go round the baggage carousels.
  • I say to them that claiming the Moon has already been explored is like saying that after landing at six U.S. airports, you then drive around the runways in a baggage cart, then declare "I've seen America! Moon Outpost or Bust - NASA Watch
  • The word redcap (a porter) originally referred to a piece of red flannel tied for visibility around the caps of baggage carriers at New York's Grand Central Station.
  • Less than 5 minutes before we departed, I heard the conductor calling to the flagman who was still in the baggage car.
  • She says the worst experience now is being stuck at an airport baggage carousel while I do selfies with fans. The Sun
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