How To Use baddeleyite In A Sentence
- Interestingly, their first choice of name was brazilite, but that name had already been applied to the mineral baddeleyite.
- Eudialyte occurs primarily along the margins of the leucosomes and is commonly found altered to catapleiite, baddeleyite, lavenite, paraumbite, and barytolamprophyllite.
- Having determined the age of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex, we now examine the behaviour of the U-bearing accessory minerals baddeleyite, zircon and monazite in the Ballachulish metamorphic aureole.
- They contain the natural zirconium oxide, baddeleyite or brazilite, mixed with the silicate, the ore as produced carrying about 80 per cent zirconia (ZrO_ {2}). The Economic Aspect of Geology
- The U content of these metamorphic baddeleyites is towards the low end of the range seen in igneous baddeleyite, but not sufficiently different to be diagnostic.
- Russia and Brazil also have large deposits of baddeleyite. Zirconium
- Zirconium is found in two minerals, zircon (zirconium silicate, ZrSiO4) and baddeleyite (zirconium oxide, ZrO2). Zirconium
- Zircon is found in beach sands, baddeleyite (ZrO2). 13. Glaze oxides
- The element is almost invariably found in conjunction with ores of zirconium, especially zircon and baddeleyite.