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How To Use backswept In A Sentence

  • Primarily artifacts of the 1950s, rocketship movies inevitably featured square-jawed American heroes, evil villains (who were more than likely Godless Commies) and sleek, cigar-shaped craft fitted out with graceful, backswept fins and needle-shaped antennae at the nose. Simple Tricks and Nonsense: March 2004 Archives
  • ‘The sweeps are now cast metal and the backswept knife runs shallower, requiring less power,’ he says.
  • The ships were the kind of swift feluccas preferred by the desert warlords, with odd-looking lateen sails and long, backswept oars pointing downwards into the water.
  • The ships were the kind of swift feluccas preferred by the desert warlords, with odd-looking lateen sails and long, backswept oars pointing downwards into the water.
  • The sleek, backswept wings, the double bubble of the canopy perched almost too far up on the aircraft, its sleek, aerodynamically sound nose. Arctic Fire
  • As he accelerated, his wings folded themselves to their sixty-eight-degree backswept configuration, and a moment later he slid smoothly through the sound barrier. Countdown
  • He described the aircraft as being silver in color (except for the underside of the tail and nose which were painted black), and having single, backswept tapered wings. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE REPORT
  • The team has made a minor design change to the wing extension from a blended winglet ™ to a commercially proven raked or backswept wing tip, to better suit the Navy's unique mission requirements and increases overall performance for maritime patrol missions.
  • Designed especially for the no-till openers, the Angled Tooth Closing Wheel features a thin, backswept angled tooth which allows for easy soil penetration, improved seed furrow closing and optimum seed-to-soil contact.
  • The clerk was a small man of indeterminate age, and in spite of working in a wig shop, his own black-died backswept hair was thin and flecked with dandruff. Babylon Nights
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