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background level

  1. the amplitude level of the undesired background noise

How To Use background level In A Sentence

  • This served as a background level for measurement of endogenous repair systems.
  • Regional geochemical maps provide information on background levels of metals against which environmental degradation can be monitored.
  • The Food Safety and Inspection Service plans to resurvey beef, pork, and chicken for dioxin contamination to get a better picture of the background levels in the U.S. food supply.
  • After installing the five noise-reduction baffles, the noise level measured 101 dBA with background level of 95 dBA room average.
  • Nonetheless, the plane's surface will always be hotter than background levels, and exhaust gases cannot be entirely cooled.
  • The finding could help determine the background levels of various water pollutants.
  • There are background levels of nitrates found everywhere both in soil and water. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • Moreover, tissue architecture is often compromised and background levels are higher in cryopreserved tissues, making immunohistochemical interpretation difficult if expression levels are low.
  • When any one of these components was omitted from the reaction, licensing dropped to background levels.
  • Background levels in nonurban settings are even lower, generally about 6 ng/m3 or less. Public Health Statement for Mercury
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