How To Use Annona In A Sentence
It introduces, maintains, characterizes, and evaluates germplasm collections of banana, plantain, sapodilla, mamey sapote, cacao, Garcinia, Annona, and bamboo.
Their cannonade, although impressive, was quite ineffective.
What air there was might touch all alike, but would affect least the "Lawrence," "Detroit," and "Queen Charlotte," because their sails were being rent; and also they were in the centre of the cannonade, which is believed usually to kill the breeze.
Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 Volume 2
Full-page ads in The New York Times and The Washington Post are now standard weapons for enviro campaigns, but no one had thought of using advertising as a cannonade before Brower.
Notable are Tabebuia angustata (roble de yugo), Fraxinus cubensis (búfano), Annona glabra, Gueltarda combiri, Sabal parviflora, Bucida palustris, Hibiscus elatus, H. tiliaceus (majagua), Jatropha integerrima, Copernicia spp.
Cuban wetlands

We seem to have survived the cannonade of illegal fireworks.
Entry #2,205
The mitraille vanished in shapelessness; the bombs plunged into it; bullets only succeeded in making holes in it; what was the use of cannonading chaos? and the regiments, accustomed to the fiercest visions of war, gazed with uneasy eyes on that species of redoubt, a wild beast in its boar-like bristling and a mountain by its enormous size.
Les Miserables
Cherimoya and Atemoya The cherimoya and atemoya are tree fruits of species in the genus Annona, a native of tropical and subtropical South America the soursop or guanabana and the custard apple belong to the same genus.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
I have sustained a continual Bombardment of increased high-stakes testing and accountability-related bureaucracy and a cannonade of gross underfunding for 10 years at least and have lost several good men and women.
Texas district schools chief issues plea in Alamo-like letter
When we got inside the French works, I was astonished to observe how little harm had been done the defenses by the German artillery, for although I had not that serene faith in the effectiveness of their guns held by German artillerists generally, yet I thought their terrific cannonade must have left marked results.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
One of _The Times_ correspondents mentions that the German guns have a heavy sound "boum," and the French a sharper one, "bing"; but neither of them is very pleasant to the ear, and it requires a cultured military taste like that of the French to enjoy the full harmony of the music when the British "bang" is added to the general cannonading.
Tommy Atkins at War As Told in His Own Letters
Even when slavery was first introduced into this country, Fate had written upon the walls of the nation that it “must go,” and go it must, as the result of wise statesmanship or amid the smoke of battle and the awful “diapason of cannonade.”
Black and White
After half an hour of the heaviest cannonade ever known, Wellington's faithful troops were threatened by an avalanche of cavalry, and promptly fell into the "chequer" disposition previously arranged for the most exposed division, that of Alten.
The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
But many annona systems became fiendishly complex as the different political factions within the city wrestled over the power to distribute food: there were depots and distribution centers, inspectorates and tribunals; there were grain quotas and regulations on the precise size of a loaf of bread; in some places, storing corn in the countryside was banned.
After the famine of 1763–64 there was talk of abolishing the annona and introducing a free market in grain.
Romalea microptera–eastern lubber grasshopper chewing on leaf of pond apple, Annona glabra, Loxahatchee, Florida.
The Panda's Thumb: September 2009 Archives
Our forces being landed and stationed as I have already mentioned, set about erecting a fascine battery to cannonade the principal fort of the enemy; and in something more than three weeks, it was ready to open.
The Adventures of Roderick Random
During the fight the cannonading was so violent that the crew of the Naesborg could not stand erect on the deck.
In Naples, the annona was in the hands of a cabal of corrupt city magnates and nobles, and the royal government was too weak to counter their influence.
When she heard the term dissociative fugue, she imagined a cannonade of piano keys.
The Viennese and Hungarian crowds were cannonaded from their strongholds, and in Germany a constitutional assembly that had been bravely debating the question of republicanism broke down into factional bickering and then ignominiously offered the country to Frederick William IV of Prussia.
The Worldly Philosophers
In the 2000 ceremony, to make up for lost time, the Church created 860 additional saints, making this by far the biggest cannonade of saints ever set off in Russia.
The cannonade which Bonaparte had heard since the morning, and the explosion of a Turkish gunboat, which was blown up by the artillery of the xebec, led him to fear that our situation was really perilous.
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
Raucous, sometimes almost spiritual singing, pushes from cellars, echoing and cannonading off the narrow whitewashed alleys.
We lay up in the stuffy, sweltering heat of the wood all afternoon, listening to the incessant thunder of the cannonading; one consolation was the regular crash of the artillery salvoes, which indicated that Wheeler's gunners were making good practice, and must still be well stocked with powder and shot.
The valley is also known for the huge variety of native and introduced tropical fruits: Achras sapota, Manilkara achras, Chrysophyllum caimito, Pouteria cainito, Persea americana, Mammea americana, Anacardium occidentale, Carica papaya, Annona muricata, Manguifera indica and more.
Sinú Valley dry forests
Gouts of superheated water geysered, consumed by the column of fire, each rocketing fountain propelled heavenward by a deafening, heart-stopping concussion that left cannonading echoes in its wake.
The son et lumière raged off Southsea Common, watched by hundreds of thousands of people long past dusk, before a stunning 15-minute cannonade of fireworks lit up the Solent.
Yet, what impresses throughout is the highly imaginative state-of-the-art stagecraft depicting everything from cannonades against sailing ships to samurai massacres.
Over 100 Gondwanan species are found on the Cape York Peninsula, including members of the primitive angiosperm families Annonaceae and Lauraceae, as well as orchids of the Arthochilus, Corybas, and Calochilus genera, and members of the Araucariaceae and Podocarpaceae families.
Cape York tropical savanna
Surprisingly, after his cannonade of criticism, Kramer's book offers only small-bore recommendations, ‘modest’ by his own admission.
The great "artillery duel," as American writers are so fond of calling what used to be termed a cannonade, seems to have astounded the Federal organs into something like frankness and veracity.
London; Saturday, May 2, 1863
A desultory cannonade began at about 14.00, and as it seemed likely that there would be no battle that day Newcastle retired to his coach.
Swamp wood in shallower waters is often dominated by one or only a few species of trees and may include: Erythrina glauca, Pterocarpus officinalis in combination with Tabebuia insignis; Chrysobalanus icaco in combination with Annona glabra, Mauritia flexuosa, or Triplaris surinamensis.
Paramaribo swamp forests
This is followed by woody shrubs, such as Adenaria floribunda, Alchornea castanaefolia, and Salix martiana, then by early successional trees, such as Annona hypoglauca, Astrocaryum jauari, and Cecropia latiloba.
Iquitos varzea
All killings, all maimings, all arrogant demolishions of people's homes, all assassinations, all bombings, all suicide attacks, all aerial slaugherings, all tank cannonades, all invasions are inherently wrong.
A national salute and two cannonades, one from Brooklyn Heights the other from Jersey City, greeted the Vanderbilt.
Any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona, especially A. reticulata, having large, nearly heart-shaped edible fruits with white to yellowish flesh.
This was a recipe for confusion and bloodshed; it culminated in the disastrous French cannonade on Damascus in November 1944.
Soon after 6 pm the spasmodic barking of the night-time cannonade (now normal in spite of its intensity) gave place to a ‘kettle-drum bombardment’.
The drums of the spirits cannonaded through the treetops; clouds gathered above him and crouched, low and ready.
Melba's initial trill possessed the ballistic force of a cannonade.
I was still feeling fearfully sick and giddy, and my right ear seemed to have gone deaf with the cannonading, but as I leaned against the pole, shuddering, one thought kept crowding gloriously into my mind: I was alive, and in one piece.
The Sky Writer
As the season gets later, the birds do not shift their ground so frequently; and, moreover, getting scared by the eternal cannonade which is kept up, they fly very high when they do cross.
Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
“M. Aronnax,” he replied, “dare you affirm that your frigate would not as soon have pursued and cannonaded a submarine boat as a monster?”
Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
I had braved before I returned to my wife; and our frigate being aground for a time and got off with difficulty, was agreeably cannonaded by the enemy until she got off her bank.
The Virginians
Bakers, merchants, and annona officials became powerful vested interests.
National Day is more ceremonial, including military parades, cannonades, and a ‘Te Deum’ sung in the national cathedral.
I crammed the burning remnant of my match against a vent, and even as the trail of sparks shot out the whole go-down seemed to stand on end, I felt myself falling, something hit me a great crack on the head, and my ears were full of cannonading that went on and on until the pain of it seemed to be bursting my brain before blackness came.
The Sky Writer
The cannonading grew, as the Russians turned their guns southward, I saw columns of earth ploughed up to the east of the Highlanders 'position, and with my heart in my mouth I buried my head in the horse's mane and fairly flew across the turf.
The Sky Writer
Since the Middle Ages, all Italian cities had provisioned themselves at the countryside’s expense through a system known as the annona.
When a tremendous cannonading in the city broke out on the following day, with native pipes and drums squealing and thundering, I thought the attack had begun, but it was a false alarm, as Sher Khan informed me later.
None of them were present at the famous cannonade, but their main forces were certainly caught up in the rain-soaked and disease-ravaged retreat which followed.
Surprisingly, after his cannonade of criticism, Kramer's book offers only small-bore recommendations, ‘modest’ by his own admission.
Even as the thunder rolled off the cliff faces in deafening, cannonading peals, a cuttingly cold wind turned the downpour to stinging, slanting, mist-laden torrents, making it difficult to see.
They were thrilled by the appearance of a l2-person heritage guard, a cannonade fired in salute and a fly past by a Navy Seahawk helicopter from HMAS ALBATROSS.
When she heard the term dissociative fugue, she imagined a cannonade of piano keys.
The cannonade from the fleets was so violent that people along the west coast of Jutland were prevented from sleeping during the whole night, and foregathered on the beach.
Besides the loss which he sustained on the night of the 23d ultimo, which is estimated at 400, he cannot have suffered less between that period and the morning of the 18th instant than 3000; having, within that time, been repulsed in two general attempts to drive us from our position, and there having been continual cannonading and skirmishing during the whole of it.
The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
An immersion theatre using the latest special effects will give visitors an idea of the bloody carnage that the relentless cannonade of grapeshot inflicted on the Jacobite lines.
Having secretly sowed treason in the Benga li ranks, he seized the high ground and cannonaded his disoriented enemy.
Companies to Colonies
Three times the German armor attempted to break through, but, as more battalions of American artillery joined the cannonade, the enemy at last gave way.
I know what it means to live in terror, to run under air strikes and cannonades, to see people killed and houses destroyed, to starve and dream of a piece of bread, to miss even a glass of drinking water.
The enormous guns are now cannonading & preparing the way for our infantry.
Cannonade leaped so big that the lookers-on holloed.
Right Royal
We are looking daily for a big fight to come off, even now cannonading is distinctly heard.
I asked him if he sincerely thought that his daily cannonade of reports, forms, checks and feedbacks led to a better or worse health service, whether in the short term or the long.
It's the glimpse of things to come after this record hot July, with a bass chorus of afternoon thunderstorms cannonading down the streets and dry valleys.
Roger Fransecky: Do You Have a Front Porch?
The cannonade from the fleets was so violent that people along the west coast of Jutland were prevented from sleeping during the whole night, and foregathered on the beach.
Between 9.30 P.M. and 11 P.M. the "cannonading" heard on the previous night recommenced.
The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
An early-morning cannonade on the castle opened the action the next day.
Between War and Peace
Riding a magnificent horse over flower-strewn, gold-embroidered carpets, greeted by cannonades and cheers, Jem happily confirms the rumour that ‘the Rhodian women were considered the loveliest in Europe‘.
This pattern of shifting between his pet mutations and the new annona became established by the middle of the thirteenth volume and continued through the fifteenth.
Blood Test
In other systems D. latifolia is planted with mango, annona, jackfruit, and guava.
Chapter 22
Fort Sumter has returned the fire, and brisk cannonading has been kept up, the correspondent wrote.
Lone mortar shell in Charleston opens 150th anniversary of Civil War
When she heard the term dissociative fugue, she imagined a cannonade of piano keys.
The winds buffeted the houses, slates blew off roofs and cannonaded against roads or windows in their path.
He installed his artillery atop the nearest bluff, and furiously cannonaded the opposite shore.
History of American Women
Experimento enim didicimus, in anno, quo illa valida fames irrepsit, ebullire vacuas annonas a daemonibus devoratas, et voces exprobationis auditas.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
As a result, the swiftly flowing river cannonaded into the north cliff face that formed the base of the mountain Aracunga, five thou'sand meters below their feet.
Voyage To The City Of The Dead
But I hadn't time to feel too satisfied, for in that moment there was a new thunderous cannonade from the Russians, much closer now; the whistle of shot sounded overhead, there was a great babble of shouting and orders from the cavalry behind me, the calls of the Lights and Heavies sounded, and the whole mass of our horse began to move off westward, retiring again.
The Sky Writer
The trauma on Tuesday was followed in the middle of Thursday night by a storm, a howling banshee that shook buildings—thunder like a cannonade, lightning tearing through the sky.
We'll Never Get Over It, Nor Should We
Megalithic standing stones and a 5000 year-old passage grave, a twelfth century church ruin, a fourteenth century O'Driscoll castle, cannonaded in the early 1600s, suggest times past.
I looked through all of them but could find no reference to annona zingiber, Puzzled, I searched the shelves for suitable reference material and pulled out a thick dog-eared volume titled Botanical
Blood Test
What we need is a cannonade to knock out whoever might be there.
They frequently shifted and broke apart under the warming sun, sounding like thunder, booming cannonades and shotgun blasts.
He has resumed with gusto his cannonading of Congress and the establishment, doing what he does best.
Opal laughed again and let loose a cannonade of bullets, all steel-tipped for the armor of the truck, and stood his ground as the truck continued to slew towards him.
Brown intends to put this right in his budget speech next week, however, when he will launch a cannonade against what their cuts in services would mean.
Continually the tempest is shot through with the leaping lightning and crashing thunder, like steady cannonading, echoing and reechoing, roaring through the vast empty spaces of the heavens.
An Island Garden
As the straight drives cannonaded off Ranji's bat, father stopped bowling lest he get hurt!
I looked through all of them but could find no reference to annona zingiber.
Blood Test
Her fears for her husband, who left two weeks later, were intensified when she heard cannonading from her own home.
But when, as we rode along, I questioned Rowbotham about how the land lay, and what the cannonading to the north signified, I was most disagreeably surprised by his answer; it couldn't have been much worse news.
Clouds of brown smoke from burning corn and the thatched root's of villages rolled across the battlefield under a gentle westerly breeze, streaked at intervals with the black, oily discharge of a flaming tank; the continuous rattle and chatter of small-arms fire was overlaid by a steady cannonade from the Russian 76-mm. 's and the scream of Katyusha rockets; periodically the high-pitched slap of the 88-mm. 's told of the Tigers 'defending themselves some three to four miles away.
Saramuyo: sugar apple or sweetsop (Annona squamosa)
Exotic summer refreshment: a guide to Mexico's tropical fruit
[Footnote C: A market district in Rome.] nunc barbarica lege certumst ius meum omne persequi: qui consilium iniere, quo nos victu et vita prohibeant, is diem dicam, inrogabo multam. ut mihi cenas decem meo arbitratu dent, cum cara annona sit. sic egero. nunc ibo ad portum hinc: est illic mi una spes cenatica; si ea decolabit, redibo huc ad senem ad cenam asperam.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Masked Mexican batteries poured a fierce cannonade, catching Worth unaware and cutting swaths through his troops.
Between War and Peace
Mont – Saint-Jean was cannonaded, Hougomont was burned, La
Les Miserables
I asked him if it sounded like a battle, and as he again said that it did not, I still inferred that the cannonading was caused by Grover's division banging away at the enemy simply to find out what he was up to.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
XII it appeared he'd dropped his morbid obsessions and gone back to working with annonaceae, concentrating on-a species Maimon hadn ', t mentioned: a. zingiber.
Blood Test
I looked through all of them but could find no reference to annona zingiber.
Blood Test
During the three days no help came to Bellew and shortly after Hardress cannonaded the castle and town and took it.