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How To Use And gate In A Sentence

  • That includes the ever-popular plum cake, plum pudding and Yule log, marzipans glittering with a coat of sugar, and delightful creations such as nougat, truffle and gateaux.
  • At irregular intervals, metal doors and gates gave access to whatever was behind the wall.
  • They also came from large conurbations able to provide additional revenue through commercial support and gate income.
  • Outside the front door, a bulldozer is clearing up the mess caused when a heavily laden lorry crashed into the wall and gatepost.
  • Both Clinton and Gates have pushed for more funding for what they call a chronically underfunded State Department. Clinton, Gates blast Congress on Iraq funding cuts
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  • How carefully did you cost the materials for the new fence and gate?
  • Cakes and gateaux ranged from flapjack to fresh apple pie.
  • There are stone benches, wrought-iron fences and gates, wall fountains, pots, pillars, and antique baskets.
  • The arch and gateway with the oriel are the oldest parts of the front, and on each side of the arch is a sculptured head, one representing Edward III and the other his queen, Philippa of Hainault. Vanishing England
  • The open space around the blocks of flats was divided into semi-private areas that were enclosed with railings and gates.
  • Especially, the circuit of NAND gate my be totally made by NPN transistor, and the circuit structure is simple, easily is complicated by Integrate Circuit.
  • Quad 2-input NAND gate with schmitt trigger inputs.
  • The new building includes three windows, some stone and gateposts from the old church.
  • Abilene is a long way from America’s centers of power, and Gates’s speeches shun headline-grabbing rhetoric, so what the defense secretary said did not get a lot of notice.
  • Janus was supposedly the god of new beginnings and gateways and was able to look backwards and forwards simultaneously.
  • What makes the book extraordinary is Fisher's descriptive writing about the exotic setting composed of beautiful architecture, gardens, fountains, passageways and gates and excentric people. Que Faire a Aix-en-Provence? / What to do in Aix-en-Provence? - French Word-A-Day
  • You can also let a creeping fig or other dense vine cover a block wall between you and your neighbors, or add planting sconces to walls and gates.
  • As it was afternoon most customers were eating scones and gateaux.
  • The demands for continuing microminiaturization led to the fabrication of flash memory devices comprising transistors having a gate width of about 0.13 micron and under and gate structures spaced apart by a small gap of about 0.30 micron or less.
  • Newcastle, Manchester and Gateshead remain areas where the Tories are utterly unrepresented.
  • Herevpon king Richard, not minding to be so mocked at their hands, approched one daie to the wals and gates with his armie in good araie of battell to giue the assault, [Sidenote: K. Richard assalteth and entreth the citie by force.] which was doone so earnestlie, and so well mainteined, that finallie the citie was entred by force, and manie of the citizens slaine, but the slaughter had béene much greater, if king Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • This theme also characterizes bridges, signage, fences, and gatehouses.
  • Parents should also ensure their fences and gates are secure to prevent children from getting out.
  • After solidification and cooling, the metal is in a white iron state, and gates, sprues, and feeders can be easily removed from the castings by impact.
  • The driveway and gate were barricaded with two patrol cars to prevent this very situation.
  • Many walls, fences and gates have to be clambered over.
  • Arrogant, selfish motorists think nothing of leaving their vehicles in front of entrances and gateways.
  • Check that the fence and gate are in good repair.
  • As far as we can see, the patent doesn't explicitly refer to Flash, but it does refer to NAND gate logic, a key component of Flash memory.
  • The city was separated into blocks of houses surrounded by high wooden walls and gates that were closed at night and guarded by a gate-keeper.
  • Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
  • Parts of the foundations of this building and a section of the town wall and gateway are visible.
  • Briefly, a cell volume distribution was obtained and gates were set to select for counting only intact cells excluding acellular debris.
  • Thornham Hall was a perfect Tudor red brick moated hall with a classic straight and gated drive through the Park.
  • Wide-open spaces and moving walkways now replace narrow concourses and gate areas with inadequate seating.
  • The falling edge of the output pulse of the NAND gate triggers the monostable multivibrator to generate the first gate pulse of predefined gate width ... Undefined
  • We also got the International Alliance between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID), UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Gates to support progress in reproductive, maternal and newborn health. Suzanne Ehlers: We Need to Pay More Attention to Reproductive Health
  • Make sure fences, walls and gates are in good repair, so children cannot slip through holes onto busy roads.
  • He rhapsodizes sadly about the immigrants turned away by the Ellis Island gatekeepers.
  • Thin film transistor array having single light shield layer over transistors and gate and drain lines
  • Stone steps, stairways, benches and gate posts can all add a feeling of permanence to a garden.
  • Make sure fences, walls and gates are in good repair, so children cannot slip through holes onto busy roads.
  • This has left dozens of schools attended by children as young as four and five separated just by walls and gates from vehicles travelling at up to 62 mph.
  • Bags of household rubbish have been dumped into two streams - tributaries of the River Dalgan - while others have been thrown across fences and gateways into private property.
  • The data acquisition equipment adopts C8051 series Single-Chip Micro-Computer and gate array, and realizes communication in USB mode with notebook PC.
  • Its view of itself as strictly an object database engine provider has changed to encompass solutions, migration and gateways.
  • The committee are hoping for a generous response which will help towards defraying the cost of refurbishment and rust treating of the surround railing and gates which is planned to be carried out in the near future.
  • An AND gate, for instance, receives two input bits and produces one output.
  • The umpires, linesmen and gatemen and ‘everyone else’ were thanked too while the faithful supporters were not forgotten either.
  • Bags of household rubbish have been dumped into two streams - tributaries of the River Dalgan - while others have been thrown across fences and gateways into private property.
  • How carefully did you cost the materials for the new fence and gate?
  • Basic concepts such as news values and gatekeeping are referred to only tangentially.
  • Stone steps, stairways, benches and gate posts can all add a feeling of permanence to a garden.
  • Using AND gates the researchers can synchronize the time-gated and non-gated signals to within 3 ns.
  • Sandwiches, cakes, fruit tarts and gateaux were attractively displayed.
  • Cakes and gateaux ranged from flapjack to fresh apple pie.
  • The last slanting light turned the white fence and gateposts a buttery yellow.
  • The collector, emitter and gate conductive pillars are respectively connected to the external collector, emitter and gate electrodes with calking.
  • After half a mile of climbing, the path levelled and the landscape opened out, there were drifts a couple of feet deep at gaps and gateways.
  • Mitchell said police had yet to determine whether the railway signals and gates were working at the time of the crash.
  • There were plenty on the lawn around the Sagamore Club that dewy June morning, chirping, chirking, trilling, repeating their endless arias from tree and gate-post. A Young Man in a Hurry and Other Short Stories
  • They are also seeking a green light on an application to build new boundary walls, garden walls, entrance gates and gateposts at The Manor House they bought for £3 million two years ago.
  • And you shall inscribe them on the doorposts of your home and gates.
  • Access has not altered since the fourteenth century, when the maritime republic, then known as Ragusa, completed its two land gates, with barbicans, and two sea gates feeding the harbour.
  • The OR gates and AND gates you can read about in books that describe how computers work correspond directly to Boole's algebraic operations of addition and multiplication.
  • In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tennis cakes, like other cakes and gateaux of the time, were very elaborate; one bakery textbook of the period gave 29 schemes for decorating the top of tennis cakes.
  • Historically, supervisors seem to have underemphasized the power that is inherent in the evaluative and gatekeeping roles of supervisors, a role that supervisees rarely forget.
  • We planted blue and white alyssums around her alder trees, and pink begonias around her house and gate.
  • As the Iraqi engineers from the Irrigation Ministry began to look at their dams, diversion structures and gated spillways, they expressed concern that some of them had been damaged.
  • It is similarly easy to implement an AND gate with two relays.
  • At the foot of one of these barren gray rocks, which, from its shape and perforation, exactly resembles the barbacan and gate of a castle, St. Remy is situated. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone Made During the Year 1819
  • So let us make the best of it by pardoning the lawbreakers and gate-crashers, legalizing the coming invasion, and welcoming the entire family of any ‘guest worker’ who can find a job.
  • Its view of itself as strictly an object database engine provider has changed to encompass solutions, migration and gateways.
  • So he sends an e-mail to both his customer marketing manager and his category management analyst requesting information from their recent consumer segmentation research about marketing to moms and gatekeepers.
  • The building, surrounded by gardens and approached through a grand gateway, was damaged by artillery in the Spanish civil war but still contains a riot of Moorish-influenced tiling, carved cedar doors, polychromatic wooden panels, and fine columns and arches reminiscent of the Alhambra. 10 of the best hostels in Barcelona
  • The eight bells in the tower were estimated at 146 cwt., and were ordered to be melted down, as was also the lead upon the roofs of the choir, the aisles and the chapels annexed, the cloister, chapter house, frater, St. Michael's Chapel, halls, farmery and gatehouse. Bell's Cathedrals: The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury with some Account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst Gloucestershire
  • Locks and gates and double locks and combination codes and chain locks on every door sort of thing. How She Move
  • The men finished an impressive third behind the powerful Liverpool and Gateshead clubs.
  • With the demolition of the old church began the building of the Community Hall and the piers and gates were re-erected as an entrance.
  • Still, in an effort to avoid such a scenario, contract discussions are continuing between management and unions representing attendants, reservation and gate workers and machinists and baggage handlers.
  • Safety will be a key issue with a security kiosk and gates backed up by a swipe card entry system, as well as closed circuit television cameras.
  • We will attempt to produce a transformation of the Earth into a special triode, so that we may then introduce a relatively small "grid signal" and gate highly amplified energy from the Earth's interior self-powered cathode to an external plate load on the surface. Chapter 6
  • This shitstorm is the direct and predictable result of conservative ideology: the belief that all the evil in the world results from evil dictators running strong governments, and that if you just invade, kill the dictator, and eviscerate the government, and send in big corporate cronies on multibillion-dollar contracts to build oil refineries and gated housing complexes, then everything else will be just hunky-dory and you’ll have Southern California in no time. Matthew Yglesias » Stabbing and Backs
  • How carefully did you cost the materials for the new fence and gate?
  • About five seconds too late, Jill slammed the gate shut, with my finger stuck between gate and gatepost.
  • I've often suspected that this dislike -- it isn't merely skepticism, but active malice -- is basically an unconscious realization dawning on them that here is a platform that doesn't require *them* as gurus and gate-keepers to use. Collaboration in the Virtual World
  • The serotonin type 3 receptor is a member of a superfamily of ligand gated ion channels.
  • After half a mile of climbing, the path levelled and the landscape opened out, there were drifts a couple of feet deep at gaps and gateways.
  • A vehicular crash discrimination system incorporates first and second crash sensors operatively coupled to a logic AND gate, which activates a safety restraint system.
  • Its view of itself as strictly an object database engine provider has changed to encompass solutions, migration and gateways.
  • And Gates is frail and infirm, which is another justification for saying “elderly.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Gates Charges Dropped:
  • That includes the ever-popular plum cake, plum pudding and Yule log, marzipans glittering with a coat of sugar, and delightful creations such as nougat, truffle and gateaux.
  • Expect to pay maintenance fees, which include care of the lawns, grounds, pools, pest control and gate attendant if the property is in a gated community.
  • Discharge tubes will be extended through the walls, and valves and gates will be installed to stop water from backflowing through the pumps, as happened during Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans Saints Central
  • Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
  • Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
  • I try to think of a descriptive metaphor as we head west on Euclid Avenue, passing abandoned houses, new and gated condominiums, and apartment buildings with boards nailed to all the ground-level windows.
  • But he credited teams for their "Herculean" efforts in selling tickets and sponsorships in a tough economy, and gate revenue is a portion of the "basketball-related income" formula that helps determine the cap. Homepage
  • Seeing the Windsor Gateway firsthand is a powerful reminder of why efficient and secure transportation networks and gateways are vital to Canada's economic productivity and competitiveness. Building Competitiveness: A New Transportation Vision for Canada
  • The AND gate performs a logical ‘and ‘operation on two inputs, A and B.’
  • Museums classically sat apart from the lively texture of the city, behind walls and gates, up great stairways, across moats and squares, on hills or in precincts of their own. The Museum As The New Agora
  • The device will warn road users and gatemen of the approaching train by emitting a siren and through flashing lights.

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