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  1. an illiterate person who does not know the alphabet

How To Use analphabet In A Sentence

  • Not quite ANY book, however, for the book-wallah, though analphabetic, had learned to recognize and refuse a Bible. Burmese Days
  • So not a few of the Amirs of Sind were analphabetic and seemed rather proud of it: "a Baloch cannot write, but he always carries a signet-ring. Arabian nights. English
  • Some issues seem ridicuolous to me, I do not know if they can realise that in many cases they write much to explain nothing, or that they use uncertain data given as pure truth, and that they seem to consider any skeptical just a child and a scientifical analphabet. Unthreaded #10 « Climate Audit
  • Jesperson's system of phonetic transcription is analphabetic
  • We organise mine risk education courses through theatre acts for analphabetic people, puppets for children, radio announcements.
  • This well-known Arabist not only assisted me in passing the whole work through the press he also added a valuable treatise on Arabic Prosody (x. 233-258) with indexes of various kinds, and finally he supervised the MSS. of the Supplemental volumes and enriched the last three, which were translated under peculiar difficulties in analphabetic lands, with the results of his wide reading and lexicographical experience. Arabian nights. English
  • They have relapsed into the analphabetic state of their ancestors; they are great at eloquence; and, though without our poetical forms, they have a variety of songs upon all subjects and they improvise panegyrics in honour of chiefs and guests. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • So not a few of the Amirs of Sind were analphabetic and seemed rather proud of it: “a Baloch cannot write, but he always carries a signet-ring.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His enemies were all analphabetic, meaning illiterate, and had on a Tutu.
  • On my frequent travels to Cuba, I have never met an analphabet. The Sudden Curve:
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