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How To Use American dream In A Sentence

  • It is also a caustic commentary on the American Dream of success at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the 1950s the town was furnishing the American dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • the American dream
  • The shoe - shine boy who becomes a millionaire typifies the American Dream.
  • The very expanse of his sentences, their twist and torque, is an American dream of plenitude.
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  • His bold lines and bright, unmodulated colors lend themselves well to these images, which constitute a searing critique not only of the Iraq war, but also of U.S. priorities and values and the American Dream.
  • It is part of his realisation of the American dream - to succeed at every level.
  • The sale of his ocean-going sloop, The American Dream, had made headlines throughout the Balearics. FINAL RESORT
  • The Indian American dream is paved with crooked paths, detours, and not infrequent derailment.
  • By the 1950s the town was furnishing the American dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the American dream that wealth transmutes success into happiness always ends in bitter disappointment.
  • It's about the people who come to America in search of that elusive thing, the American dream.
  • Fueled by obedience, reveling in brute force, dismissive of weakness, the game hardly seems nimble enough to withstand the social trends that made Aliquippa feel, over the past 40 years, like some corroding edge of the American Dream. Story Pick: A town where football greats are raised
  • Further, Eddie's pursuit and ultimate success in obtaining and reifying an American Dream not corrupted by materialism offers the impression that it was somewhat easy to obtain.
  • It should be because we want to live up to the example of public servants like John Roll and Gabby Giffords, who knew first and foremost that we are all Americans, and that we can question each other's ideas without questioning each other's love of country, and that our task, working together, is to constantly widen the circle of our concern so that we bequeath the American dream to future generations. Obama saves Tucson memorial from the unseemly
  • In effect, pursuing the American Dream leads to his self-destruction.
  • Back to McMahon, who says that while many people might find it "hokey" to say they've lived the American Dream, she has, because she can afford to put up $16 million in teevee advertising attesting to that fact. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • One part of the American dream may be the increasingly forlorn hope that anyone can make it to the top, irrespective of background. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are the privileged individualists who have already snatched their slice of the American dream.
  • Right wing politicians touting the American Dream consistently advocate lower taxes.
  • One part of the American dream may be the increasingly forlorn hope that anyone can make it to the top, irrespective of background. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the toe is the American eagle found on the US quarter, to represent the American dream the migrants are chasing. Boing Boing: February 19, 2006 - February 25, 2006 Archives
  • What could possibly be wrong with this freewheeling new take on the American dream? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the American dream, but also the socialist Utopia, the glimmer of hope for the poor, the comforter of the oppressed who yearn for salvation.
  • All of these hallmarks of the American dream are a powerful draw.
  • American Dream is one of the most important motifs of American literature.
  • GRACE: A 20-year-old college student chasing the all-American dream, and he finally got it, a four-year scholarship, football scholarship, and he was a star on the field and in the classroom, known as the peacemaker amongst all of his friends, the good guy, the good boy, until he lost his life in a hail of bullets. CNN Transcript Jan 5, 2007
  • Was he also taking a sly dig at the Canadian pretense that we don't engage in American dreaming?
  • The ‘rags to riches’ mythology of the American Dream individuates poverty and wealth.
  • But Choi is fittingly philosophical about the often bittersweet reality of the Korean - American dream.
  • It is futile because we cannot fully join the ranks and chase what is called the American Dream.
  • But just when it looked as if she was about to realise the American dream, she coughed blood into a handkerchief and her doctor diagnosed tuberculosis.
  • American Nightmare: Gonzales 'wrong and illegal and unethical' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'American Nightmare: Gonzales \'wrong and illegal and unethical\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: "What I\'ve experienced in the last six months is the ugly side of the American dream. American Nightmare: Gonzales 'wrong and illegal and unethical'
  • What could possibly be wrong with this freewheeling new take on the American dream? Times, Sunday Times
  • The president's speech was a call to arms to restore the vitality of the American dream.
  • TRAVELING ON THE AMERICAN PLANVacation travel has always been an essential part of the American dream. Why Can't We Get Away?
  • What's on the ballot is the American dream, what's on the ballot is what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton marched for," Kerry said. October 2004
  • Interviewees include Pete Seeger and, understandably lamenting the "hollowness" of the American dream, Robert Meeropol, son of the Rosenbergs. The weekend's TV highlights
  • The criminal big-shot, viewed in the distorting mirror of the satirist, is a parody of the American dream of success, ironizing the business ethic by the illegality of his methods as well as by his ultimate defeat; the inevitable fall of the big-time gangster creates a sense of entrapment in an economically determined reality. Singing Soprano, While Dissin' the Bass: America's White Thug Love & Ethnically Acceptable Violence
  • The theme is the struggle between familial duty and the opportunities of the American Dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • The American Dream: A Short History of an Idea That Shaped a Nation, says he expects long-term attitudinal changes prompted by what he calls "structural changes in the global economy. All Today's News - Sightline Daily
  • Tony, Janina & Brian are reunited in America once again, scarred but hopeful to restore their American Dream. Ruth Leitman: Tony & Janina, Chasing the American Dream... Again
  • The American Dream comes down to a rural idyll with membership card and niblick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Miller's dark body of work always exposed the American dream as a nightmare.
  • Theodore Dreiser; tragedy; Roberta; Clyde; American Dream.
  • Paul's work will dovetail nicely with our "Dispatches: The Changing American Dream" series -- a visual and reportorial mosaic, assembled from narrative snapshots Patch reporters take each day in their communities as Americans contend with the ups and downs of life in the midst of The Great Recession. Arianna Huffington: Fresh Eyes on America: Announcing "Patch: The Road Trip"
  • I long for the "golden days" of our country as well, but my wishes harken back to times when civil rights were being granted, not questioned; when attending college was not seen as being elitist, but rather something to which one aspired; when my ideological opponents knew that I was not their enemy, but just someone striving toward the same American dream via a different path. Martin Maidenberg: Defying Gravitas -- Season of the Witch
  • The blatant lies of their elites continue to dilapidate the little crumbs that are still left, of what was once the "Great American Dream," - and has now become the "Great American Nightmare. Framing the $700 Billion Question
  • Long live the republican for thou South Carolina is the American Dream of an allegator swamp! Think Progress » DeMint Lies: ‘I Did Not Want’ Health Care ‘To Be The President’s Waterloo’
  • It enabled her to keep her family in comfort and enough luxury to feel a part of the American dream.
  • But do so, mind you, without interfering with anyone's shot at achieving the "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" version of The American Dream; while still allowing people and companies who are already rich to keep getting richer and richer; but while also asking that in exchange for all the top-tier salaries, profits, dividends, and interest income they take out of our economy, there be a mandatory, no-loopholes-allowed "giveback" requirement -- in the form of high taxes that may sting a bit, but which will allow them to remain quite rich -- while helping reduce the deficit without taking a heavy toll on the poor and the middle class OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion
  • As beneficiaries of government largesse, these individuals have somehow hijacked the American Dream.
  • The New York Times notes in Brazilians Giving Up Their American Dream, [by Nina Bernstein and Elizabeth Dwoskin, December 4, 2007] that’s Early Coverage Of Illegal Immigrant Mortgages
  • The whole novel gives the reader a deep feeling of disillusion and exposes the darkness of the American society, the inanity of the life and the inevitable disillusion of the "American dreams".
  • That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. George Carlin 
  • Maybe, for most of us, the grasp on the ledge of the American Dream skyscraper is fast slipping, or we've fallen already. Bernard F. Clark: Restoring the Dream
  • So, Natasha's flaw is in attributing to a kind of formalistic mistake, a technical flaw in the construction of the show, what should rightly be read into ours and Weiner's very schizophrenia about the 60s, equality, consumerism, the American Dream - the whole kit and caboodle. The Corner on National Review Online
  • By the 1950s the town was furnishing the American dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Jewish teenage boy, a lover of escape artists and a studier of Houdini, has escaped from Nazi Prague and is now in the Big Apple, where he's in full pursuit of the American Dream. Forgiving the Governor of South Carolina
  • Along with home ownership, the BA is described as a keystone to the American Dream. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Comparing College to Home Ownership
  • Her husband froze a few minutes later as he watched her tower crumble on TV, ending what he called a fairytale marriage in an American dream. The Seattle Times
  • America has seen many great agglomerative clusters in its history that have helped fuel the American dream. Michael Moynihan: The Secret Sauce of Economic Growth
  • Kirk, on the other hand, called spiraling government debt a "long-term danger to the American dream. Alexi Giannoulias, Mark Kirk Debate On 'Meet The Press'
  • Nobody believes more fervently in the American Dream than he does, yet the dream has somehow eluded him.
  • If the European dream is quietly eclipsing the American dream, why are the Europeans touting China as the rising power that will eclipse the U.S?
  • The far exurbs of our coastal cities, and the sprawling new metropolitan regions like Orlando, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Atlanta now represent the de facto headquarters of the American dream.
  • Her fear is that of a prisoner, awaiting execution, in the merciless sunlight of an American dream.
  • The very expanse of his sentences, their twist and torque, is an American dream of plenitude.
  • Adams was by no means the first to use the words "American dream" -- and almost from the beginning the phrase embodied a tension between the materialistic and the idealistic. Hugh Rawson: Chasing the American Dream
  • In a society where the wealthiest are walled off in gated communities and the poorest are isolated in ghettos, our public schools — for all their faults and shortcomings — are still our best chance to give all children a shot at the American dream. Radical idea: Public schools aren't an awful mess
  • The so-called materialistic “American dream” will be dismantled, in the process. On the Importance of 'Us,' and Our Embracement Waiting in the Wings
  • Dubbed the Black Widow, the 43-year-old mother-of-one wove webs of fantasy to snare her male victims, often luring them with promises of a new life that police would come to call the American Dream.
  • The play is generally considered to stand alongside the work of Henry Miller for its insightful portrayal of the problematics of the American dream.
  • On stage, he becomes an archetypal embodiment of the debased American dream.
  • Born in Bangladesh, Rais Bhuiyan came to the US to pursue what he describes as his "lifelong dream of higher education and to experience the American dream". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Rockstar Games could have had a field day with Niko as immigrant, Niko as veteran from a war that was screwed up from the start, with Niko as aspirer to an American Dream that might never have existed in the first place. 'Grand,' but No 'Godfather'
  • Their children are deep-fried, drug-soaked numbskulls, the adults hapless lemmings in their SUVs, heading straight into the back-end of the American dream.
  • With Brittany Snow of American Dreams as her perky assistant, who takes charge of the shoe inventory, they take on impossible clients and make ludicrous legal arguments in courtroom scenes so ham-fisted that after one case, even Harry has to admit, "That's what I call a lucky verdict — if not preposterous. Roush Review: Remakes and a Retread
  • No one can throw a wrench into family values and the good old American dream quite like he can.
  • Owning a home offers a sense of pride, security, and enfranchisement that is quintessential to our stake in the American dream.
  • American Nightmare: Gonzales 'wrong and illegal and unethical' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'American Nightmare: Gonzales \'wrong and illegal and unethical\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: "What I\'ve experienced in the last six months is the ugly side of the American dream. American Nightmare: Gonzales 'wrong and illegal and unethical'
  • Gail O'Grady is the loving wife and devoted mother at the center of NBC's hit drama, American Dreams.
  • If these immigrants could succeed, it proved that anyone could realize the American Dream.
  • What could possibly be wrong with this freewheeling new take on the American dream? Times, Sunday Times
  • Was it mere coincidence that America, which so fervently used to believe in itself, in the American dream, the constitution and the flag, before it was sold down the drain by the CFR financiers and the Obamaclintonsocialists, when it was bound by a calvinistic work ethic and a common belief system, went on to become the supernation of the world? Archive 2009-05-01
  • The characters continued to cheat on their spouses, let money become their obsession, and debated the American dream for the hopes of one day obtaining happiness.
  • It is also a caustic commentary on the American Dream of success at all costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The middle class is inseparable from the American Dream. In health care, the middle-class pander continues
  • ” “The world has changed but things in Washington have not changed” and this has led to an assault on the American dream. Printing: Nation Building, Obama Style
  • Wikipedia describes Alger's stories as, "illustrating how down-and-out boys might be able to achieve the American Dream of wealth and success through hard work, courage, determination, and concern for others. Avatar: Believe the hype (review roundup)
  • The story lays out a fable of the American Dream lost.
  • A generally accepted tenet of the American dream is that a high-quality education is a birthright.
  • On the whole, the evidence suggests that he was generally too preoccupied with his North American dreams and schemes to do solid onomastic work.
  • The protagonist, Selina Boyce, is the daughter of first-generation Barbadian immigrant parents, Deighton and Silla, who have come to America in search of the ever elusive American dream.
  • The Great American Dream in recent times has become somewhat sterile, a colorless and neutral legal administrator of intercommunity conflicts.
  • Both sets of protagonists are torn between the American Dream of fame and fortune and the more comfortable pull to stay true to your station in life and neighbourhood.
  • His people are labourers in the vineyard of the American dream who never got to taste the wine.
  • By the 1950s the town was furnishing the American dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • With just some meager splotches of blue peeking through billowy cumulus clouds, I'm not sure I'd call this photo "colorful," yet it's difficult not to be struck by the multihued white picket fence, a study of light and shadow optimistically evocative, says Ms. Lyden, of "The American Dream. Trained Toward the Heavens
  • One part of the American dream may be the increasingly forlorn hope that anyone can make it to the top, irrespective of background. Times, Sunday Times
  • What could possibly be wrong with this freewheeling new take on the American dream? Times, Sunday Times
  • Adu is an American dream of a future soccer star. It's a work in progress.
  • Both sets of protagonists are torn between the American Dream of fame and fortune and the more comfortable pull to stay true to your station in life and neighbourhood.
  • American dream, in peril, is successfully pursued through state programs Science
  • He remembered his own hardscrabble youth in Texas and vowed that the poor armadillos he grew up with would have a fighting chance at the American Dream if he could have any say in the matter.
  • The narrative of Gatsby's downfall poignantly exposes the seedy underbelly of the American dream.
  • A lot of that comes from my own parents, from their own experience here, and their ability to better themselves and achieve the American dream.
  • Opportunity for each" is promised, but within the bounds of each person's ability; the reality is, some people will realize the American Dream more stupendously and significantly than others.
  • His life has all the elements of the American Dream.
  • Well, if the American Dream involves pimping your wife on the Web, then I reckon he's right about that.
  • I believe the American dream also includes the opportunity to live in a safe, thriving community where the democratic principles as envisioned by our founding fathers are still alive and well, and I believe that is no longer possible in the face of the wholesale buyoff of our political process by PACS and lobbyists. Polling the American Dream | Impact Lab
  • In their race to realise the more-or-less elusive American dream, the characters come across as study cases or automatons, caught in the fast-forward gear to become suburban sahibs.
  • We have not again brought that sense of urgency that Geoffrey Canada who is turning lives around in Harlem is bringing into the movie and when you see the lottery that takes place in the movie for children to be able to leave their dysfunctional public schools and go to a decent public charter school nearby, you see that the middle class American dream has beame of chance, literallcome a gy. Rob Kall: Transcript: I Interview Arianna Huffington, Discussing Third World America and Huffpo
  • That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. George Carlin 

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