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[ US /æmˈbɹoʊzən/ ]
  1. extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant
    ambrosial food
    a nectarous drink
  2. worthy of the gods

How To Use ambrosian In A Sentence

  • His knowledge of Greek enabled him to introduce much Eastern theology and liturgical practice into the West; Ambrosian plainsong is associated with his name, and the Athanasian Creed has been attributed to him.
  • Aside from a few other brief references in patristic literature, nothing more was known of this apocryphon until the Latin manuscript containing a long portion of it was discovered by Ceriani in the Ambrosian Library, at Milan, and published by him in 1861. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Aristotle in his poetic art as an essential part of tragedy, was an even, simple chant, like that which we call the preface to mass, which in my opinion is the Gregorian chant, and not the Ambrosian, and which is a true melopée. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The first nocturn has eleven psalms, and a homily of St. Augustine, divided into three readings; following the normal Ambrosian custom, there is a responsory after the first and second, but not the third. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 7 - The Vigil of Pentecost and the Holy Week Readings
  • Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana - Milano/De Agostini Picture Library Leonardo da Vinci's 'Portrait of a Young Man (The Musician)' (circa 1486-7) It is worth the price of admission and queuing for one of the 500 day tickets to see this ravishing show, which complements the Leonardos with relevant paintings by his contemporaries and pupils. An Exhibition of a Lifetime
  • Eighty-seven folios of the Book of Animals (about one-tenth of the original text by al-Jahiz) are preserved in the Ambrosiana Library in Milan.
  • St Gregory the Great added four more to the original Ambrosian modes, and this system forms the basis of Gregorian plainsong, still used in the Roman Catholic Church.
  • The experience of the Ambrosian hymns was so powerful that Augustine retained it in his memory and often referred to it in his works.
  • But even if that were not the case, even if we did live in some kind of ambrosian world where none of us ever did things because it benefited our bellies or bank accounts and were capable of being the ultimate altruists at all times, it would still make no sense to say that the very law which creates the definition of a corporate person can't put limits on how that person behaves -- and in fact put even tighter limits on the legally created person than on the real one. Archive 2010-01-01
  • There is no Ash Wednesday (or Clean Monday for that matter) in the Ambrosian Rite of the Roman Catholic Church.
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