How To Use Alkalic In A Sentence
Within the Grenville basement these are represented by alkalic to tholeiitic mafic dykes and alkalic to peralkaline granite plutons.
Recent petrological work has confirmed the alkalic chemistry of some of the intrusive rocks at Huajoto, which is very unusual for the Andes.
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SHRIMP U-Pb dating of recurrent Cryogenian and Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician alkalic magmatism in central Idaho: Implications for Rodinian rift tectonics
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
Whatever the source, an alkalic basaltic magma pooled in the potassium-poor rocks of the lower crust.
Carbonatite usually occur as small plugs within zoned alkalic intrusive complexes, or as intrusive bodies, but can form as dikes or veins in the host rocks.
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A further part deals with deposits associated with alkalic magmatism.
Detailed ground radiometrics completed by the Company has revealed the existence of a radiogenic anomaly approximately 4 x 4 kilometers in size that outlines an alkalic injection sill complex, with associated garnet skarns that are related to the REE concentrations.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Its occurrence is largely restricted to relatively unusual alkalic igneous rocks, such as sodic granites, certain syenites and trachytes, and related carbonatite-bearing terranes.
Concentrations of the REE's have been identified within phosphate minerals from the project such as carbonated monazite, dahllite, apatite and fluorapatite genetically associated with the alkalic sill complex.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Recent petrological work has confirmed the alkalic chemistry of some of the intrusive rocks at Huajoto, which is very unusual for the Andes.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Some ore deposits occur in alkalic ultrabasic rocks derived from the Earth's mantle.
In the northern Cordillera lower Paleozoic alkalic and potassic mafic magmatism is linked with rifting of the Selwyn Basin.
Its occurrence is largely restricted to relatively unusual alkalic igneous rocks, such as sodic granites, certain syenites and trachytes, and related carbonatite-bearing terranes.
In addition to the reserves in already established environments, there remains another category, as yet unevaluated, of potential reserves of both thorium and uranium in minor accessory minerals of alkalic igneous rocks and carbonatites (intrusive limestones) which are widespread in western United States.
Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels (historical)
Concentrations of the REE's have been identified within phosphate minerals from the project such as carbonated monazite, dahllite, apatite and fluorapatite genetically associated with the alkalic sill complex.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Acetes Chiensis was hydrolyzed by alkalic protease, and shrimp sauce was produced with disinfecting and packing.