How To Use after-school In A Sentence
- It all starts when Chuck is asked to teach an after-school program in cartooning to elementary school kids†¦ and it isn†™ t long before he learns the kids can be more hyperactive than his doodles! Archie Comics for February 2010 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
- After-school and summer programs support academic enrichment and life-skills development.
- In my years at Rio Rancho High School, I've been tardy to class and been busted for dress code, receiving my fair share of hours in after-school detention.
- The house was filled with the smells of after-school snacks being nuked as we walked in.
- Each boy who was characterized as rejected or neglected by the sociometrics was then recruited to participate in a six-week after-school program. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
- Behind the terrible child performances and lengthy expositional scenes, it's basically just an after-school special about the power of friendship. The great Harry Potter viewing marathon
- With the growing education gap and schools operating on budget cutbacks, there's never been a more important time to focus on the after-school cause. Jodi Gibson: Changing the World One Robot at a Time
- A childcare career fair will give jobseekers the chance to have their questions answered by people working in nurseries, playgroups, pre-schools and after-school clubs.
- In the car, the driver would casually ask how things were going with the after-school activities. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
- It is a worry that preoccupies many parents of older children, who find that childcare provision such as after-school clubs usually stops after primary, and whose 13 and 14-year-olds are often embarrassed by the idea of babysitters.