How To Use Acorus In A Sentence
Acorus calamus plants originated from the Moossee, and were cultivated in a pond at the University of St Andrews.
Were the predators making a comeback because Acorus was returning to a wanner climate?
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Pacorus, the son of Orodes, the King of Parthia, has been killed in order to revenge the death of Marcus Crassus.
By contrast, the flowers of Acorus calamus from the family Aracea are relatively insignificant and its most appealing distinguishing feature is its foliage.
Ingredient: Acorus gramineus Soland, mint leaves, masson pine, lavender, soy candle etc.
In another study of serum lipids, Cao Tiemi treated 124 patients with Ehuang Jiangzhi Tablet zedoaria, polygonatum, acorus, rhubarb, bupleurum, and crataegus for one month, and compared the effects with a control group of 37 people who received the drug inositol nicotinate.
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There is a report that indicates that amylase plays an important role in the anoxia-tolerant rhizome of Acorus calamus.
From November to December, Acorus calamus was still in growth.