How To Use Acold In A Sentence
Supermolecules Physicists induced clouds of trapped, ultracold molecules to form Bose-Einstein condensates.
The probe laser beam could easily penetrate the shock waves without perturbation, and we could image just the fluorescence from the laser-excited ultracold molecules in the zone of silence.
Richard E. Smalley - Autobiography
At that time the quantum physics of ultracold atoms had become an important focus of our research.
Theodor W. Hänsch - Autobiography
The ionization step needed to create an ultracold plasma is performed using nanosecond laser pulses.
I've got acold consequently nose is stuffy and can smell nothing.

'Mayhappen not,' he said; 'yet yesterday I could not but look into the slaughter to come, and it seemed to me a grim thing, and darkened the day for me; and I grew acold as a man walking with the dead.
The Roots of the Mountains; Wherein Is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale
It was the pipe that delivered the ultracold liquid helium to the magnets.
Final Theory
Poor Tom's acold
Physicists at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland have proposed a recipe for turning ultracold “boson” atoms — the ingredients of Bose-Einstein condensates — into a “supersolid,” an exotic state of matter that behaves simultaneously as a solid and a friction-free superfluid.
Odin's Day
We naively thought that by ionizing the ultracold atoms in our trap, we would be running the CERN process in reverse.
The record-breaking lows were among the latest feats of ultracold physics, the laboratory study of matter at temperatures so mind-bogglingly frigid that atoms and even light itself behave in highly unusual ways.
Wow, that's cold!
And earth is acold ere dawning, and new winds shake the night.
The Story of Sigurd the Volsung
In 2003 the last five of these groups produced ultracold molecules by causing pairs of fermionic atoms to associate with one another at a Feshbach resonance.
Then sprang ye forth and went your way, and I abode there alone, sitting an whole day, sore and hungry and acold.
Song and Legend from the Middle Ages
She might rightly say with Shakspeare, "Poor Tom's acold.
Without Dogma
Optimizing Science Education and the Myth of a Necessary 'Super Teacher' by Carl Wieman an educator who also happens to have won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2001 for creating a new ultracold state of matter, the so-called Bose-Einstein condensate
Archive 2008-12-01
It is the understanding of these expansion dynamics that is exciting, because it may be that ultracold plasmas cross over to the regime of strongly coupled plasma physics.
Here you shall light a fire, which those who watch will believe to be but the fire of a herdsman who is acold.
The Wizard
She is acold, manipulative lair, We need integrity in the White House.
Florida court throws out DNC suit
It's nifty to look into the chamber and see a clump of ultracold atoms floating there.
This false color image shows an ultracold plasma of 26,000 beryllium ions fluorescing when hit by a laser pulse.
It is pretty easy to do a poll perhaps not well..., it is pretty hard to to ultracold STM of atomic junctions.
Free Will and Behavioral Genetics, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Physicists at JILA have performed the first-ever precision measurements using ultracold molecules, in work that may help solve a long-standing scientific mystery -- whether so-called constants of nature have changed since the dawn of the universe.
April 28th, 2006
The stranger arrived at Bramblehurst railway station on acold , snowy day in February.
Arrays of ultracold atoms trapped by artificial crystals of light can be used in a wide variety of experiments in quantum physics
Ingram was away on one of his long absences, and she felt acold.
Rest Harrow A Comedy of Resolution
A new method has been developed to directly and precisely measure a quantum property of individual atoms -- the phase shifts that result when they collide at ultracold temperatures -- in a way that is independent of the accuracy-limiting density of the atoms.
The Game of Rat and Penguin
The twin tails and skirt have lots of wiggle even with littlerod movement, which helps to entice smallies that have gotten lockjaw during acold front.
John Merwin Picks the 50 Best Lures of All Time
I asked her how she knew I had gold, and she said that did not matter -- I had some "diutang-a-dacolds" (little dacolds), and she was willing to sell hens for ten "diutang-a-dacolds" _gold_, but not for media-pesetas.
A Woman's Impression of the Philippines
THE FIELD of ultracold quantum gases is no longer in its infancy.
Could be dark as tombs that strike the spirit acold
A Midsummer Holiday and Other Poems
As such, Nature willeventually force us to unite and cooperate with one another or we will destroy each other trying to stay alive in acold andincreasinglyhostile climate.