How To Use Accurately In A Sentence
Physicians and hospitals fear the practice could unfairly penalize practitioners and say there's no way to benchmark quality accurately.
It built that knowledge into the system; if you typed a word inaccurately, Google would give you the right results anyway.
In the Plex
In mining for precious stones such as diamonds, a method for accurately filtering the gems you want from the surrounding rock and soil is worth its weight in gold.
Politicians have very accurately gauged the impotence of writers; they don't give a damn for their opinions.
Before Russia and Spain competed, Miermount accurately predicted scores for those countries.
Innovative U.S. ties for fifth in synchronized swimming final

Fifteen years later he expanded and revised, not always accurately, his first brief report on the cataract.
It has no influence of ocean depth, positions accurately and rapidly and operates expediently.
A template or pattern is essential for accurately cutting your vinyl floor.
It was precision expectoration that accurately landed a deposit of froth about two feet from my Oxford brogues.
And while the word gluttony evolved from a Latin root that means “to gulp,” that definition doesn’t really illustrate this particular pattern of evil thought accurately or thoroughly.
The equivalent can however be determined very accurately, and we have seen that it is some multiple or submultiple of the true atomic weight.
An Elementary Study of Chemistry
Accurately assessing nutritional requirements and monitoring the adequacy of nutritional intake in critically ill patients can help ensure that complications associated with underfeeding or overfeeding are avoided.
These include the pitcher plants of the Asian tropics, known as Nepenthes, which resemble jugs brimming with nectar—or perhaps more accurately, mouths slavering with drool.
To transmit data accurately in strong interference environments, a communication protocol based on Manchester code was designed.
The product name must accurately reflect the intended use of the feed.
Increasingly since then archaeologists have recognized the importance of identifying and accurately recording associations between remains on sites.
It's still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.
To get good TV reception, the dish must be accurately lined up with the satellite.
Anything (no matter what grading service or denomination) not accurately graded is almost dead.
THE FUN SHOW 2009 : Coin Collecting News
Lisa accurately predicts the winners of sporting events that Homer gambles on so she can be closer to her father.
However, when James Naughtie pressedMiliband on whether the Government are opposing a popular vote on thereferendum becauseit's one they'dlose, the Foreign Secretary dropped in this (quoting as accurately as scrambing around for a pen and paper will allow):
It's so unfair!
In military, both guidance and Anti-TBM ask the equipment fast and flexible to locate and track accurately the random or moving goal in order to finish a serial action suck as aiming and track attack.
PR. com) -- HealthCare Global Enterprises Limited (HCG), South Asia's largest cancer care network, today unveiled the PET Myocardial Blood Flow (MBF) System that offers clinicians a non-invasive method to determine true myocardial blood flow and accurately assess the need for revascularization procedures such as stenting and bypass surgery. Press Releases
By adjusting the statistics, natural bulges are evened out, allowing for short-term shifts to be inferred more accurately.
A near - sighted person cannot focus accurately on distant objects.
Kippletringan was distant at first a gey bit; then the gey bit was more accurately described, as ablins three mile; then the three mile diminished into like a mile and a bittock; then extended themselves into four mile or there-awa; and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering, It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers.
Chapter I
The same work in under the condition of not increasing cost, make our site operators can more easily and more accurately finish, this is truly people-oriented.
Body temperature is therefore most accurately measured by an intravascular thermistor, but measurement by infrared ear thermometry or with an electronic probe in the rectum is an acceptable alternative.
He interviewed me and reported in the government paper what I said about gay and lesbian rights quite accurately.
I've convinced myself that my motives are pure — that I have a kindlier version of the Mark Twain-James Fenimore Cooper relationship with my writers, constantly saving them from using words inaccurately.
Our 'Pragmatic,' 'Ebullient' Year of 'Austerity'
The term equilibrium accurately describes the type of organization established by competition between the different biological species and the environment, but not the more permanent organizations of individuals and groups which we find in human society.
Introduction to the Science of Sociology
The country teems with "poets, poetasters, poetitos, and poetaccios:" every man has his recognised position in literature as accurately defined as though he had been reviewed in a century of magazines, -- the fine ear of this people [22] causing them to take the greatest pleasure in harmonious sounds and poetical expressions, whereas a false quantity or a prosaic phrase excite their violent indignation.
First Footsteps in East Africa
Her writings reflect her commitment to the underclass whose lives are often portrayed inaccurately in American literature.
The scientists are able to calculate accurately when the spaceship will reach the moon.
The film's dialogue is minimal and often earthy but it accurately captures the rebellious mood of the youth.
Only an aircraft flying right into the eye of the hurricane can accurately obtain the data.
While age is clearly a highly relevant factor it does not always accurately reflect ability to understand.
As mentioned above Jubei Ninpucho is our main character, he is a Ninja for hire, or more accurately, he is a ronin for hire; a ronin is a samurai without a master or clan.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
Though many adaptations have obvious applications, there are those only their creators could accurately explain.
These are aquariums which represent as accurately as possible a section of aquatic life in a particular area.
Lysimeter and evaporation pans can measure a tree and soil evaporation easily and accurately.
It can be more accurately described as an uncomfortable viewing experience - but that's because it tells a brutal and uncomfortable story.
Where the guillotine improved on the Halifax design was the inbuilt facility to position the victim accurately and quickly in the machine.
This waste recovery system diagram accurately tell you the progress of the work.
The infrared image technology(IRI) may accurately express the SARS case of illness physiology, pathological state many information.
Poor communications Lack of understanding often arises through failure to communicate accurately and fully describe the state of the process.
Likewise Deut. 23: 17-18 must be pruned from the list, since it most likely refers to a heterosexual prostitute involved in Canaanite fertility rites that have infiltrated Jewish worship; the King James Version inaccurately labeled him a "sodomite.
Homosexuality And The Bible
I first read the y-axis as ‘authenticism’. .which of course would have more accurately been ‘authenticity’ … anyways.
And swagger.
The method is worked out to determine the Boltzmann constant accurately with the aid of the I-V characteristic of the transistor diode.
These three laws of motion are general, applying just as accurately to the behaviour of balls on a billiard table as to the motion of the heavenly bodies.
I assume that you are quoting Derek accurately and I am copying this letter to him.
A manual dial allows the sawyer to accurately choose the size of the lumber being targeted.
In a full parking lot at a South Los Angeles strip mall, complete with sushi, Starbucks and a beauty nail shop, not every motorist can accurately guess what's popular with car thieves these days.
The system accurately meters low - to high-viscosity two-component materials such as epoxies, urethanes, silicones and acrylics supplied by pumps or pressure tanks.
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A time switch can accurately control the photoperiod.
In fact, metrology is concerned with nothing less than finding a method of being able to control the constancy of the international prototype metre, the basis of the whole metric system, so accurately that not only will every change, however small, which could possibly occur in it be accurately measured, but also if the prototype were entirely lost, it could nevertheless be reproduced so exactly that no microscope could ever reveal any divergence from the original prototype.
Nobel Prize in Physics 1907 - Presentation Speech
Unfortunately, quite a few children with attention control problems are accurately described as insatiable.
A Mind at a Time
Pneumatic braking , the adhesive tape could stop instant when stop the machine, position and label accurately.
For best results, design metal reference surfaces to interface with polished surfaces on lenses rather than with ground rims or bevels; you will then use the most accurately made surfaces for lens positioning.
She accurately told the FBI that Welles was broke and that he was cheating on his wife, the beautiful movie star Rita Hayworth, with a string of starlets and showgirls.
An expert in biorhythms tried unsuccessfully to predict accurately the sexes of the children in Bainbridge's study based on Bainbridge's data.
Coke's Vitaminwater claims misleading BRITAIN'S ad regulator says Vitaminwater has too much sugar to be accurately described as nutritious and has ordered owner Coca-Cola to stop running advertisements carrying the claim. | Top Stories
When used singly, the acutus, too, retained its shape fairly accurately and from its shape received the name virga (virgula).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
You need to hit the ball accurately.
The optimizer considers using multi-column statistics to detect a statistical correlation and estimate more accurately the combined filtering effect of multiple predicates.
More accurately, it is a small step for radioland, though each step is part of the inexorable march towards digital.
Times, Sunday Times
Color attributes is the essential concept of chromatics. It is very important to understand and apply color attributes accurately.
Barnes accurately captures the cliches, lack of punctuation, and poor syntax that reveal his derivative mind.
The disc replicates that look accurately, leaving skin tones extremely pale and colors totally washed out.
Karl Barth's theology can thus be accurately described as a semiology, a theological semiotics.
More accurately, the permeability is the ratio existing between the amount of magnetization and the magnetizing force which produces such magnetization.
Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
Sellers should carefully review the listing-agreement inclusions and exclusions addenda and confirm that they accurately list all the items they intend to sell (the inclusions) and those they intend to keep (the exclusions).
Determine what items will remain after a home sale
I don't expect that the "ghost" would accurately reflect my feelings toward the imaginer, or what I would want to say to that person if I were actually asked.
Ferule & Fescue
He rappelled it with a clinometer to accurately measure the pitch: a sickening 72 degrees.
The upper bout is intended to accurately simulate the feel of the rib and edges of an acoustic violin and is used to help players with classical training find their upper positions more accurately.
There is a range of 12 sizes, meaning there's a suit to accurately fit almost everyone.
Traditional counting head damages easily the banknote and can ? ? t count plastic notes accurately.
They are capable of aiming accurately enough to splash a man's face from a distance of 6 feet.
There is a trade-off between doing the job accurately and doing it quickly.
I am simply trying to suggest that we do our best to ensure they report it accurately.
‘Some members of the media decide not to write accurately,’ she harrumphs in relation to a question about how her relationship with the press has changed over the years.
You've gotten yourselves so lathered up about The Big Satan (anything touched by conservatives), but what you're hating is stuff out of a comic book, not accurately reflecting the complexities of what really happened.
Romney praises Afghan surge, slams confusion about timeline
Thus Price's work is criticised because of its failure to accurately predict growth rates.
Bakker believed that dinosaur speed could, reasonably accurately enough, be worked out from the angle of the limb joints.
In military, both guidance and Anti-TBM ask the equipment fast and flexible to locate and track accurately the random or moving goal in order to finish a serial action suck as aiming and track attack.
The trembling women were smitten into an ecstasy of bewildered fear (as one of the words, 'affrighted' might more accurately be rendered), and his consolation to them, 'Be not affrighted, ye seek Jesus,' suggests that, in all the great sweep of the unseen universe, whatsoever beings may people that to us apparently waste and solitary space, howsoever many they may be,
Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Mark
Such control requires that the oxygen concentration in the blood be accurately measured, and that breathing rate be adjusted accordingly.
The weather bureau has accurately predicted the sand storm.
The title accurately expresses the contents, which largely ignore the "middling sort.
The Two Thompsons
he works very accurately
Ivan Booth introduces "What Online Activism Can Learn from Community Organizing":"There's often a disconnect between what's seen as online activism--referred to as "slacktivism," sometimes accurately but oftentimes sloppily, and community-based social change
Michael Silberman: Looking for What Works: Best Online Organizing Reads of 2010
To capture the physiological reality of speaking a language, I proposed the idea of a “linguistic error limit”: the number of distinguishable sounds in a protolanguage, and therefore the number of objects that can be accurately described by this language, is limited.
There were no lanes, with one swimmer per lane, nor were courses accurately measured.
Whether or not these family resemblances are accurately identified, this kind of inheritance is now firmly established by experience and science.
However, one does not need to be an expert on the Hope Diamond to know that its correct weight is 45.52 carats, a weight that has been accurately reported in reputable scholarly publications for most of the latter half of the last century.
I have a Llama 45, and it never shot very accurately since new, so I got the bright idea to slug the barrel. (after trigger job, oversize link pin, tightened up barrel bushing, polished crown, etc.)
Some Rifle Barrels are Faster than Others
These very common symptoms lead to difficulties in detecting the disease, and leptospirosis can only be accurately diagnosed through a blood examination.
With the proposed full-order observer, the flux linkage of motor can be accurately observed and high performance achieved without shaft encoder.
This minimizes false negatives, but, to interpret the search results accurately, one must be willing to review individual entries carefully.
Roubein etal evaluated endosonography in eight patients with resectable carcinoma after pre-operative chemotherapy, and accurately predicted histopathological findings.
Half edge graph theory can represent complex structure and various constraint accurately.
All three films feel like confessionals, or more accurately therapy sessions.
Or, rather more accurately and less sensationally, my cafetiére vomited coffee over a pile of pre-election literature.
The length of this chain, the breadth and thickness of the joist, its height from the floor, and the circlet of chain on the neck, were accurately measured; and it was thus shown that the chain unoccupied by the circlet and the joist was a foot and a half longer than the space between the shoulders of the man and the joist above, or to that extent the chain hung loose above him; that the circlet (which was fastened so as to prevent its contraction) rested on the shoulders and breast, the chain being sufficiently drawn only to prevent being slipped over his head, and that there was no other place in the room to which he could be fastened except to one of the joists above.
Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. In Two Volumes. Vol. II
Kippletringan was distant at first 'a gey bit '; then the' gey bit 'was more accurately described as' ablins three mile '; then the
Guy Mannering — Complete
Babcook CJ, Hedrick MH, Filly RA, Goldstein RB, Callen PW, Harrison MR, et al. Gastroschisis: can sonography of the fetal bowel accurately predict postnatal outcome?
CHOP abdominal wall defect publications
Advanced Expert Systems Conventional computing has improved efficiency by storing and manipulating data and information faster and more accurately than people.
I think you described very accurately the process people have to go through to hand out flyers, to produce youth radio, to start writing, to become an editor.
The battleships ray out over the North Sea, keeping their stations accurately apart.
But more strictly and accurately, rubricians limit the pontificals to those ornaments which a prelate wears in celebrating pontifically.
If you frequently encounter foul weather, stainless (or, more accurately, stain resistant) steel is an asset.
Hey guys up early today, what model of marlin 336 should i get the stainless or blued barrel
Flexible pipe modeling technology on position and orientation control points was presented to locate pipe accurately.
Each of the training examples which supports the dividing line (or more accurately the dividing hyperplane) has a value in the array lagrangeMults which effectively defines it's weight.
Planet PHP
The weather bureau has accurately predicted the sand storm.
Or, perhaps more accurately, nature / nurture-not two separate entities, but two sides of the same coin.
Under the Sale of Goods Act retailers must sell goods that are of a satisfactory quality, are accurately described on the packaging and are fit for their purpose.
The movie accurately reflects the mood of the time .
The main reason given for Canadian and American schools switching to the JD is that it more accurately reflects the “nature” of our law schools.
Osgoode Jumps on the JD Bandwagon : Law is Cool
It can automatically cut the belted desiccant and fill it into the container accurately and speedily.
However, neither system accurately identifies vehicles needed for wartime missions or differentiates between wartime- and peacetime-use vehicles.
Their emphasis on giving instead of getting accurately reflects the demands of a tough and radical gospel.
With LED lights and note indicator, you can tune accurately from a distance, even in the dark.
Although the plot for the cinematic version has been notably streamlined and occasionally reworked in substantial fashion from the bloviated novel, viewers are, by the end, possessors of this little nugget of truth: Dan Brown is just as bad at plotting as he is at writing, and his inability to create characters who are believable is equaled only by his inability to accurately represent the history, art, architecture, and technology found strewn throughout novel/movie.
"Angels & Demons" is methodical, pedestrian, and quite silly
The Princess became somewhat alarmed; she was besides extremely good-natured, nor had her intentions of leading the old man into what would render him ridiculous, been so accurately planned with malice prepense, as they were the effect of accident and chance.
Count Robert of Paris
Kippletringan was distant at first ‘a gey bit’; then the ‘gey bit’ was more accurately described as ‘ablins three mile’; then the
Guy Mannering
For Benjamin, translation functions not simply to transcribe accurately the content of the original language into another but also, and more importantly, to seek kinships between both languages.
From the foregoing, it may be seen that accurately to measure the temperature of the hot end of a thermo-couple, we _must know the temperature of the cold end_, as it is the _difference_ in the temperatures that determines the voltmeter readings.
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His father, of humble origin, could accurately be described as a nouveau riche.
Bartolome de las Casas: father of liberation theology
One senior official said the key is to neither overreact nor underreact to the midterms but to accurately pinpoint the areas that were truly problematic for the president and try to act on them.
'Soul-searching' inside the White House
The computer can record how accurately information is processed and how quickly.
In usual spatial-time processing for diversity reception of UWB pulses, the channel delays are not easy to be implemented accurately.
If you've accurately pigeonholed someone, chances are what they're saying will match what you expect anyway.
As for the anachronism known as offside, experts in physiology say the human eye frequently cannot call offside accurately (try simultaneously tracking the ball and two or more sprinting players separated by 20 to 30 meters).
Jonathan Littman: Innovation World Cup Style
It won't be very accurate in practice, because of difficulty in measuring the distances accurately, but at least it's right.
You need to know how consistently and how accurately you can land; be honest with yourself and accept your limitations.
It presupposes the false theory that the size of small light sources is accurately gauged by the naked eye.
It's not that the secretaries of State and Defense are always like-minded: Rumsfeld is widely and not inaccurately seen as a hawkish "go it alone" interventionist, while Powell tends to take a more cautious and "multilateralist" approach.
Chemistry In The War Cabinet
The positions of the archaeological finds are accurately plotted.
Foretelling accurately when and where the earthquake will happen is only a form of rumor at current stage which will cause a panic among the people.
DDFileCatcher is ideal for file cataloging, getting filepaths to paste into "file open" dialogs, "hard-coded" filepaths as used in computer programming, listing the files you have used or changed, and for any application where you need to record file paths and folder names accurately and easily.
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The next term that we must accurately define is "North American"; all too often we think of North Americans as those from the United States and Canada.
Escape From America Without Leaving America
He had accurately read the mood of the nation.
Also the variable dependence relation can be treated accurately and conveniently by the expressions.
Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately.
We have shown that phase-sensitive specular neutron reflectometry can be used to determine accurately and unambiguously the SLD depth profiles of biomimetic membranes with a resolution in the subnanometer range.
In their view, Spengler diagnosed the main historical trends of human society and accurately predicted the fate of decaying bourgeois society.
At work, they ensure I can accurately edit and mix podcasts developed by students.
It seems to me like the threat could more accurately be described as "nonzero".
It is also possible that the seriation does not accurately reflect the temporal duration of zone decorations or that the radiocarbon dates from Bluegrass do not accurately reflect the span of occupation of the site.
Duties: Capturing data accurately from primary source documents into cashbook and ledger.
Promote Seamless, Interactive, User-Driven Operation Because the NII will be a network of networks, information must be transferable over the disparate networks easily, accurately, and without compromising the content of the messages.
The National Information Infrastructure Agenda For Action
It was not possible to accurately derive diffusion constants directly from the measured recovery times, due to the inhomogeneous distribution of microtubules in three dimensions.
He accurately intuited that all power is essentially implacable and malign.
Bulwer Lytton calls vril, and the operation of which he has fairly accurately described in his _Coming Race_, that the colleges for the higher training of the youth of Atlantis were specially occupied in developing.
The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria
Which is why they're are more accurately called pseudonymous accounts and not anonymous accounts.
Wikibooks - Recent changes [en]
It is caused by the bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis, and is more accurately described as regional enteritis or proliferative ileitis .
This market was extremely competitive and sales volumes were difficult to forecast accurately.
We might say more accurately that he is a fabulous second-order fabulist - which is another way of saying that his own characters tell better stories than he does.
Although the operant feeders detected bird-induced food deliveries, rather than consumption per se, we never found unconsumed items in the hoppers at the end of the day, so these data accurately reflect consumption.
We should comprehend the concept of administrative monopoly accurately through the visual angle of administrative law.
Does this opinion poll accurately reflect the public mood?
To accurately assess and stabilize a life-threatening, intra-abdominal injury without requiring transport to a secure area would be a boon.
ATP simulation results prove that the protection algorithm can delimitate between faulty lines and non-faulty lines accurately and credibility.
This statement accurately sets the antagonistic tone of the entire narration.
The title accurately reflects the game's story, which takes place before the events of the original
This subdued range of luminosity makes it hard to accurately judge picture quality.
For information technology to be fully adopted, clinical notions that are often complex must be accurately and easily represented as coded concepts that are ‘user friendly’ and easily retrievable.
Are the words not only correct, but also pronounced accurately and clearly, and are they inflected appropriately and expressively?
An instrument of greater sensitivity, and possibly one which can be read more accurately, might be needed.
This working theory which is constantly being refined is able to accurately hindcast the climate for the past century, giving its predictive power plenty of confidence.
Arrogant, Crass And Rude: The New Green Party « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
This standard solution was accurately prepared in super-clean laboratory with 2,4-dinitrotoluene(99%) and sub-packed in 5ml ampoules.
In certain situations I more accurately serve as accouterment - in every sense of that term.
Cheeseburger Gothic » The Ladies Blue Room. Or something.
You can't help being overqualified for a position, but you can tailor your resume and cover letter so that it more accurately speaks to the position for which you're applying.
Many textbooks continue to propagate the myth that symptoms can accurately identify peptic ulcer disease.
The primary objectives of this position are to design experiments to accurately measure the release of nanoparticles from these materials in-vitro and in-vivo in order to inform our understanding of the long-term biocompatibility and associated nanofiller biodistribution.
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Analyze the feasibility of the single radial immunodiffusion(SRD) on fast and accurately determining the content of hemagglutinin antigen(HA) in influenza vaccine.
We are trying to measure the position and momentum of an electron as accurately as possible.
This study established a base work to real time measure the plant value without scathe, and to model the 3D plant more accurately.
The hon. Gentleman would address the problem more accurately were he to acknowledge that fact.
Shogun is more accurately - "generalissimo" or better understood as "Military Dictator", The most famous probably being Tokugawa Ieyasu, who found the Tokugawa Shogunate (c. 1603-1868), a period a great peace, stability and prosperity in Japanese History, ending with the Meiji Restoration.
Army Rumour Service
This method also allowed us to more accurately quantify the stoichiometry of oligomerization at different pH values.
She fired back with a letter, demanding to know if the "letter accurately characterizes your views."
The fluctuations in respondent curves are accurately corresponding to a blending - layered - settlement program agitated from CO- N2 - C mixture at critical aboil state.
They are more accurately described as mythologies that continue to shape our world in terms of black/white and victim/oppressor—even when these labels don’t apply.
Don’t Bring Home a White Boy
(mature female) to inhuman (hotwaterjar) calefaction, the stimulation of matutinal contact, the economy of mangling done on the premises in the case of trousers accurately folded and placed lengthwise between the spring mattress (striped) and the woollen mattress (biscuit section).
They are also developing, optimizing, and validating neural network classifiers so that cancer can be more accurately classified and therapy can be personally tailored for optimal response.
Retiming eliminate the digital time domain pulse distortion, in order to downlink clock recovery circuit to accurately signal reception.
The sound, I am all too familiar with; my ability to accurately transcribe it is in doubt.
To predict the etching rate accurately can not only protect the structure layer from over etching, but also save the etching time. Thus it can enhance the efficiency of MEMS apparatus machining.
So science can accurately measure and analyse the nature of the radio waves along which are transmitted jazz or rock, but cannot definitively 'quantify' their qualitative differences.
A Materialist Red Herring
Conversely, if the fossil record does not accurately portray the first appearances of synapsids because preservation rates vary widely, then phylogenetic measures might yield a more reliable sequence of branching events.
And some are not underpinned with Julies sophisticated speech recognition technology, which allows her to mimic human conversation more accurately than many others.
Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us
These include promises that attempt to create a climate for their own fulfilment, and promises that are more accurately described as hyperbole.
The spoof rockumentary hits its targets so accurately that many didn't realise it was a spoof at all.
The Sun
The tracking system in video tape recorders ( VTR ) can only track accurately at normal speed.
He's in full-nut mode in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution this week where he grumps about the decision from federal Judge Paul Magnuson that quite accurately pointed out the illegality of metro Atlanta withdrawing water all these years from Lake Lanier.
Lowering the Barr - poli
He had accurately read the mood of the nation.
It is therefore important that researchers both describe their methodology accurately and validate it using independent data.
A spigot projecting from the otherwise cylindrical charge would have been used to locate it accurately on the catapult.
But it's been more than four years since 2005's Supernature, the last Goldfrapp LP that could accurately be described as danceable
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